Pay for your bills in the most convenient way possible. Online and offline payments readily available in the nearest ecMerchant, KaECPay Sari-Sari Stores, and ECPay Vending Machine.
Biller Partners range from Water and Power Utility Companies, Telecommunication, Internet and Insurance providers. In the course of many years that ECPay has provided this service, we have successfully gained the trust and confidence of major Service and Utility companies in the Philippines.

Use your cash to cash-in to your e-wallets via ecCash! Our over-the-counter merchants, KaECPay Sari-Sari Stores, and ECPay Vending Machines are available nationwide.

Load up for your mobile needs as quickly as possible! ECPay’s system allows customers to automatically receive the airtime load from any accredited ECPay Merchant Partner without scratching any card.
Drop by the nearest ecMerchant, KaECPay Sari-Sari Stores, and ECPay Vending Machine.

Need cash? Cash out your wallet balance in the nearest ecMerchant and KaECPay Sari-Sari Store.

Purchase your entertainment prepaid cards of choice. ecPins allows prepaid and postpaid subscribers to receive higher denominated prepaid credits (Telco, Gaming, Internet Cards, etc.) via SMS using ECPay’s Text facility.

Casa Deposit
Conveniently deposit your money to select digital banks via ecMerchants and ECPay Vending Machines.

Pay for your airline tickets via ecMerchants and ECPay Vending Machine. ecTickets are soon to extend to other modes of transportation.

Billers are now be available online with ecLink. ECPay provides an API connection allowing semi-real time payment connections.